Sunday, 10 February 2013

Big Wheels Rollin'

After many months of planning and waiting as pieces arrived my new bike is born!

Ventana El Commandante on rock garden,  Alexandra
The 'hoff' resplendent in red!
There are few things as good as a new bike! This is the first time that I've experienced being part of the process of putting one together from scratch and it does add to the enjoyment.

The reality of course is that I relied heavily on the positive experience of Olly in the Tour Divide last year to determine the way forward. I got to play with some of the less consequential bits and pieces but the bulk of the build was determined by Olly. Gary at Rock n Road took care of a few other crucial parts. I did deal with the brakes, shortening the lines and I set up the rholoff shifter cables - twice - once munting the cables in the process, purchasing new inners and starting again before getting it right...

I am very happy with the final result. Just as well really as I plan to spend quite a bit of time on it over the coming months...

1 comment:

  1. arrruggghhh!!!
    (Wipes Drool from mouth)
